John Hicks

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HighNote HCD 7110
John Hicks
Fatha’s Day- An Earl Hines Songbook

It has been said that it was Earl Hines who freed the piano from the bass - chord, bass - chord left hand of his stride predecessors and became the first 'modern' jazz pianist. Who better to pay tribute to this pivotal musician than John Hicks, one of the preeminent keyboard artists in jazz today. At this stage in his career, John Hicks is not only producing his finest work but is doing so in such a consistent manner both in studio and in concert. Hick's usage of Hines' accomplishments as a point of departure is captured exquisitely throughout his new recording, which represents another stepping stone in an already well documented career. On hand are John's rhythm section of choice, Dwayne Dolphin on bass and Cecil Brooks III on drums, reminding us that this was the ensemble favored by Hines himself for the last twenty years of his life.

John Hicks, piano; Dwayne Dolphin, bass; Cecil Brooks III, drums

Tracks: Rosetta; Almost Spring; Remembering Earl and Marva; Serenata; Poor Butterfly; My Monday Date; Fatha’s Bedtime Story; Sweet and Lovely; Rhythm Run (Uphill); You Can Depend on Me; Twelve Bars for Linton; Synopsis.


 Almost Spring


 My Monday Date

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